Early-term information

The early-term information evening is for all prospective parents expecting their first baby. The aim of this evening is to inform the pregnant woman and her partner as soon (5-6-7 weeks) as possible about lifestyle, sports and diet. Furthermore, any questions or complaints can be asked and answered. This evening will also briefly discuss the course of the pregnancy and you are informed about when you should go to the midwife or gynaecologist. In addition, an explanation will be given on blood tests, the ultrasound scan, prenatal tests and such like. This early-term information occurs prior to the first appointment with the midwife, which mainly takes place at around 8-10 weeks.

How do I register for this?

The registration runs via the assistant of the midwife practice where you are registered. If you are unable to attend, please inform us of this due to the limited number of places.


There are no costs attached to this information evening.


Wednesday evening 7:00 pm-8:30 pm.

2e Oosterparkstraat 138 D, in Amsterdam.