What is an ultrasound ?

An ultrasound is a medical test that uses high-frequency sound waves to capture live images of the fetus, placenta and amniotic sac in a pregnant woman.

Is an ultrasound safe?

The test does not involve radiation and is completely safe for both mother and baby. 

Can I bring someone to my appointment?

If you come for an ultrasound on the indication of your midwife, it is a medical examination. Our rule is then: client + 1 adult person. Bringing multiple people and/or small children causes too much distraction for the mother and the caregiver. We understand that it is nice to have family/friends watch during an ultrasound, and therefore we offer the possibility of scheduling a 2D or 3/4D elective ultrasound throughout the entire pregnancy. For more information, see the Elective ultrasounds  Pretecho page on this website.

What are your options in the event of complaints?

See the link: Complaints handling